Now that Christmas break is over it's back to Monday night practices, and Saturday games for Ben, and Sophie. This Saturday will be Sophia's turn to call out the cheers, and at pracrtice last night she was loud, confident, and all smiles while she practiced calling them out to her team the Angels. Pictures also came back last night during practice, and I can't post them because our scanner is broken, so I will have to find someone who will let me scan them for our files so I can add them to our blog. In the meantime we are also working hard on the dance routines for the 2 fast approaching dance recitals. Hopefully for Sophia's sake the dance costumes will not be itchy, and scratchy like the last 2 years have been. In the picture below it was pure luck that I got this shot of Sophie up off the ground. At the start of each game they call out each cheerleader, and each girl does her signature jump, and shout.

Cute. Lily freezes up when we watch her in ballet.
Sophie used to do that, but now she doesn't care. This Saturday she gets to call out cheers. Also we found out tonight kind of last minuet that Tonya Speed wants Sophi'as dance team to compete against several other dance studio teams. It's supposed to be at the end of Febuary which will take place after the first recital. They will have a chance to win the big 1st place trophy, 2nd, or 3rd place, and they can also win ribbons.
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