Looking back on 2008.
Lets begin with January 2008.
The year started out with the loss of a dear friend Felicia Hoots. She was a wonderful person, Friend, Wife, and Mother, and she is greatly missed. Felicia was in a car wreck several days before Christmas 2007, and bravely hung on to life, and left this world January 18th 2008. Her memory will live on in all who knew, and loved her. In the Spring of 2008 Willy's parents home was hit by a Tornado, and by the grace of God their lives were spared. Their home, and land sustained much damage, and devestation, but we are so blessed that they are still with us today. :) Summer came, and went, and I prayed for God to open the right door for me concerning a new job. School started August 6th, and within the hour of the school day I got a call about a job. I started on with Garrett, and by September 23rd it became official. I am back in the system as a Para Profsessional, and this time around I am working with strictly Autistic children. I love it. Before I had worked with special children in general with a wide range of disabilities, so this is a new challenge for me, and so far I am doing well with it. From time to time I ask myself if I am really cut out for this line of work, and sometimes wonder if I am good enough for it, but when I am away from the kids, and the atmosphere I really miss it especially during holidays, and Summer breaks. In 2008 we reached many highs, and had many lows, but God was always right their with us. Sophia had a 3rd wonderful year in Tap, and Ballet started Kindergarten, and her 2nd year of cheerleading. Benjamin started 6th grade, joined band for the first time, began his 4th year in the quest program, and continued a 6th season of basket ball. Spencer is a junior high student, always on the phone, and continues building, and creating things. :) Our kids are growing, and surprising us all the time. :) Also this year my Brother, his wife, and their little girl welcomed a new baby girl into their fold. We are all happy to welcome this new bundle of joy into our wonderful loving family. Willy, and I will reach 17 years of marriage in several months, and we pray that we as a family will grow closer to each other, and to God in the year/years to come. We pray that you all have a safe, happy, healthy, and Prosperous New Year!! Here are a few pics from the year 2008.
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